Contact MDAAP

For questions or more information contact:
Loretta I. Hoepfner, MSOD – Executive Director

Email Address
Call the MDAAP


Fax the MDAAP


Visit the MDAAP

1211 Cathedral St., 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201 

MDAAP is Governed by Active Volunteers!

The MDAAP is governed by active volunteers organized into committees and task forces. Our volunteers include pediatricians and pediatric healthcare providers from private practice settings, academic institutions, and research centers. MDAAP members advocate for the health and well-being of Maryland’s children and adolescents.

Meet the Executive Director

Loretta I. Hoepfner, MSOD

Loretta has served as the Executive Director of the Maryland Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (MDAAP) and as the Chief Executive Officer of the Maryland Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics Foundation since 2016. In these roles, Loretta provides overall management of both organizations in Leadership, Operations, Development, Finances, Board Development, Membership, and Advocacy. Loretta graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration and Management, a Fellowship in the Management of Change, a graduate certificate in Non-Profit Management, a graduate certificate in Skilled Facilitation, and an M.S. in Organization Development, all from The Johns Hopkins University. Loretta is proud to support and encourage her MDAAP Chapter and Foundation members in the promotion of optimal health for all of Maryland’s children and adolescents.